A Meeting Out of Thin Air. Fairies are real.

As I was flying back to FL, on Tuesday, I was thinking of the last trip I took to NJ, back in September. It was a very special trip for two reasons.   The first reason being it was my annual trip I take back to NJ to do the Ovarian Cancer Walk that is held every year in West Orange, NJ. All my family and close friends do the walk with me. This past year was the 4th time we all did it. The second reason it was a special trip was because out of thin air a connection was made, between me and a lady named Barbara, whom I met on my connecting flight from Charlotte, SC to Newark, NJ. I would like to tell you about it because most people find this story fascinating.

During my flight to NJ, back in September, I found myself booking my trip last minute so I didn’t get the seat by the window that I normally like. I was forced to choose from either an aisle seat or middle seat. Unwillingly, I decided to choose one of the aisle seats that were left in the three seat row. During the two hour flight the plane ride went as expected smooth and quiet.   However, about 20 minutes before we landed the man sitting next to the window turns and started to make general chit chat with Barbara who is in the middle me and the window guy. I over heard her say she lived in FL, so as the outgoing person I am I chimed in and asked her where in FL she lived? This got us talking and she later asked me why I was going to NJ. I kindly told her that I was going to do the Ovarian Cancer Walk and I do it every September, but for some reason unknown to me I found myself telling this woman, who is a stranger, my whole cancer story. How I went thru treatment and I was cancer free and then it came back and then the Docs are like its terminal and there’s nothing to cure you. Blah Blah Blah.

So this is where the story gets good. After listening to me she says, “I don’t know if you believe in this kind of thing, but my husband is intuitive and many times he can help people where the Doctors can’t. “ Meaning sometimes he can see if the Doctors are overlooking something or perhaps there is something that is inhibiting a person’s health via diet or toxin; things like that. She stated that all she needed was a picture with just me in it and she would ask him to read it for me and see if he picks up anything that may be of use to me.   Well, as you know me I tilted my head to the side and said, “Sure, why not.” We exchanged email addresses and that was it.   We exited the plane and went on our separate ways. Within two days I had my Mom take a picture of me and I sent it to her to give to her husband named JP. Since they do readings on Sunday’s, I believe she got back to me the following week and the reading she sent back to me was astonishing.

What I thought was going to be a little reading with a little advice turned into something so much more than expected. He didn’t just do a reading on my health it was a reading that encompassed all areas of my life and they were broken down into categories: Socially, Familial, Intellectually, Relational, Financially and lastly Health.

I was debating on putting the whole reading up in this blog, but I decided against it because it’s personal and it is pretty long. However, one part that was interesting that I will share with you was when he said, “She’s very attracted to the 70’s way of thinking, communing with nature. I see flowers in her hair, communing with trees, elves, wood fairies…Gallic culture.” The reason I found this interesting was because, One, I like to make flowers that go in peoples hair. Two, I really enjoy nature and in my 20’s I went thru a phase where I would go to festivals and camp out.   Three, which is the strangest of them all is in 2012, I swore I caught a fairy in a picture that I took of myself! I was wearing shamrock earrings that light up. In a sequence of pics that where taken with my iphone the last pic looks like a fairy. Down below I will post some pics for you to see which are NOT or never where on Facebook, except for the one of Jason and I.

As for my health he mentioned that my digestion and digestive flora was all messed up. I didn’t understand what that meant until my surgery in November. After I got a foot of my intestines out I had major digestive issues. My digestive flora was way off and it took a while to correct it thru diet and medicine. The other thing he mentioned in regards to my cancer was this: “I see her stomach completely inflamed. She should go to dry foods…dry seeds, cooked millet, barley, rice. Avoid wine and beer, as yeast is the problem. She has too much yeast in her body that is the trigger for her illness, as it can cause many diseases. To be healthy she has to remove the yeast. Yeast causes ill health. Her PH is too high. No vinegar, no citrus as they don’t help with the ph issue. Dry fruit is good.   Right away she has to cleanse the yeast and lower her PH. All comes from that…that is the trigger. Inflammation in intestines, yeast, PH imbalance may have triggered other physical trouble.” After I found this out I went to a local Doctor, he did in fact say that I do have a slight allergy to yeast.   So, ever since I received this information in the reading I have tried my best to eat properly and cut out foods with yeast. However, I do treat myself to pizza occasionally, since it is my favorite food. I do not know if this will work, but like the guy who held my hand said, “We have to believe in something.” I do believe. However, I know for many people this type of thing is very controversial and my answer to you is, to each their own.

Since my initial meeting with Barbara, I have kept in touch with her and JP.   In really dark and stressful times, such as deciding on whether or not to do chemo, I have turned to them for some guidance and they are always willing to help. There help and insight is always genuine and without expectations.   Their vision is, “That people everywhere will embrace their divine perfection and experience the freedom of living through the wealth of the spirit and expanding through joy.” You see, JP not only reads people, he has “visions” or insights on all types of subjects such as, birth, joy, death, happiness, reincarnation, obligation, metaphysics…They have a website and a Youtube page with over 200 short videos giving insight on all different types of subjects.

My meeting out of thin air with Barbara came at a really great time for me. I was heavily into Edgar Cayce and was reading up on all of his past articles that where written about life, the meaning of it, souls, twin souls, health topics, metaphysics…etc. So, for me to meet her by chance was a gift.  I personally find all of the videos very comforting and intriguing. They are very philosophical and topics I have always thought about and pondered.   It’s so exciting to really sit and think about our souls mission and the expansion it goes thru from being incarnate. However, I know many people just don’t want to think about this stuff, don’t care about thinking about it or just do not believe in it. But like I said, to each their own.   Nevertheless, if you are interested in this type of thing I am including the links to Barbara and JP’s Website called All In Whole and I am also including a link to their Youtube video page. All the information is free since they are a non-profit organization.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the reason I didn’t write about this, “Meeting Out of Thin Air,” with Barbara back in September is because I had to sit down and see how I felt about the situation. Even though I am an open minded person, the choices I make are very thought out. I had to see for myself if I felt JP and Barbara where unpretentious and I personally feel that they are.   I think what they are doing is great and for them to find it their mission to help people without any expectation is one of the most honorable attributes I have seen from an individual. Many people try to take advantage of people that are in a weak or comprised state/mind set and trust me I have met 1 or 2. However, Barbara and JP are not those people; they are trying to just help the greater good.

So, with all this in mind I move forward. My next scan is on March 13th. No matter what happens I know that in my heart I have been trying my best and that’s all that I can do.

No matter what we do or how hard we try we are never in complete control of our lives. Appreciate each day and learn from it. No matter, if it’s good or bad.

Website: http://www.allinwhole.org/about.htm

Youtube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/AllinWhole/videos

In a series of pics, the 3rd photo shows what appears to be a fairy!  It looks like it is just chillin on my shoulder.

In a series of pics, the 3rd photo shows what appears to be a fairy! It looks like it is just chillin on my shoulder.

Flowers in my hair

Flowers in my hair

2 thoughts on “A Meeting Out of Thin Air. Fairies are real.

  1. Love the post! Very interested in Barbara and JP work and will read their website and watch videos.
    Amazing story.
    Like your pictures very much, flowers very becoming.
    Take care of yourself.
    Many hugs

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